to solve youth unemployment
in Europe
Future prospects – not youth unemployment
5.7 million young Europeans are unemployed – without prospects
5.7 million unemployed young people from European countries do not want to belong to an "internship generation without lobby and future" and we should not allow it. Tomorrow, Europe will need their ideas and creativity, their curiosity and openness: families, society and business.
The europatriates are based on a new concept with which this problem can be directly addressed. The main effect: youth unemployment in the European countries concerned can be reduced by temporarily resettling the young unemployed in another European host country for apprenticeship, training and employment. At the same time perspectives for employment are being developed and supported in their home country.
The concept has been created by a network of institutions and interdisciplinary professionals at the request of the SHS Foundation. It has rigorously tested and further improved solutions of the German labor market reforms.
Pilot programme for young people
As europatriates, unemployed young people are given opportunities for personal and professional development in a partner country. A 2-3 year apprenticeship, direct placement in one of the partner entreprises or coaching to establish a company of their own in their respected home countries to further create opportunities for employment in their country of origin.
Prior to this threefold approach, a structural selection as well as an integrative training concerning culture and language takes place.
During this initial phase, young people will learn a profession and gather experience. Having returned home Europeans, they will be able to benefit their home country through the relations made. Long term brain drain is out of the question then.
europatriates are a private non-profit initiative organizing the congress and the pilot programme through member donations, sponsoring and participation fees.
LAUNCH DATE: 23rd–25th of JUNE 2014
The europatriates will kick-start on the 1st European Congress "Solutions for Youth Unemployment in Europe" at the end of June 2014. Here the best models to help tackle youth unemployment in Europe will be brought together. The Congress and its accompanying fare will show: Concrete Solutions against Youth Unemployment in Europe.
You can benefit from this European concepts and live test the new tools, such as the “integrated talent diagnostics” or the “employment radar”.
The Congress will be simultaneously translated into multiple European languages.